Our business partners.


Real estate Chartered Accountants

Fondsderoulement.ca est un cabinet d'experts comptables spécialisés en investissements immobiliers. Nous visons à accélérer l’achat ou la croissance de sociétés immobilières et solidifier les connaissances des ses administrateurs.

Nous nous concentrons sur les axes fiscaux, comptables et financiers qui sont les piliers de la croissance d’entreprise. Notre approche permet à l’entrepreneur de se concentrer sur les indicateurs de performance clés qui intéresseront les investisseurs et prêteurs et de bâtir une entreprise qui pourra prospérer.


Residential and commercial real estate.

Happy Broker Chia works with happy sellers, buyers and investors. Authenticity, integrity, proactivity, professionalism, multilingual real estate video marketing, worldwide real estate seminars and 7,000+ global business connections... all to ensure the greatest visibility of your luxury homes / commercial properties for sale and to get the most out of every negotiation.

Who is Chia: “Women of the year” by ELLE Québec, “25 Creators of the future” by Les Affaires business journal, “Entrepreneur of the year” by Young Chinese Professional Association... Chia is reputed to create solutions, positive relationships and results. A happy mom, creative, technophile, trainer, investor, chartered commercial and residential real estate broker, founder of the 1st Montreal based Canada-China marcom consulting firm Orchimedia.ca, founder of Montreal lifestyle real estate platform 514Style.ca, founder of Invest in Montreal Real Estate Group, board member of Entreprendre ici, board member of advertising committee of Québec Professional Association of Real Estate Brokers, vice president of Chinese Entrepreneur Association of Quebec, ambassador of Écoles des entrepreneurs, ambassador of La Ruche, member of Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec… you can meet energetic Chia worldwide. The public speaking of Chia covers topics from China business to real estate investment to happiness-health, in English, Mandarin and French.

Contact Chia at 514.826.8888 and looking forward to teaming with you!